Hospitals have been greatly impacted by the effects of the global pandemic. Some hospitals had to close their doors entirely because they could not recover from the financial losses. Executives at other hospitals chose to take short-term salary reductions, and many hospital employees were furloughed indefinitely to make ends meet.
It is likely that hospitals can anticipate many unpaid and aged claims from 2020, due to the nature of the lag in systems and personnel recovery time.
Fortunately, ERISA Recovery has great experience in recovering aged claims and is well-positioned to step in as a partner to help. We can set up a plan with you to appeal and help recover past claims as well as anticipate the unpaid claims from the chaos of this year.
While hospitals may not be able to control the ramifications of this global pandemic, there are measures in place to help recoup lost funds through the Federal ERISA process. We can help you effectively appeal your commercial aged claims through our expertise and proven system.
For more than 20 years, the knowledgeable staff of ERISA Recovery (ER) has used the Federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) to increase hospital collections.
This is a challenging time for hospital systems, and we’d like to help where we can. Through our Federal ERISA appeals process, we can go back 6-10 years and recover lost income from aged claims. We collect where others can’t.